Saturday, May 23, 2020

Phrasal Verbs With Look for English Learners

There are a number of phrasal verbs and phrasal verb expressions with the verb look.  If you are unfamiliar with phrasal verbs, this guide to what are phrasal verbs explains everything. Teachers can use this introducing phrasal verbs lesson plan to help students become more familiar with phrasal verbs and start building phrasal verb vocabulary. Finally, there are a wide variety of phrasal verb resources on the site to help you learn new phrasal verbs. Learning Phrasal Verbs with Look Read this story about a man who looked up his friend Peter. You will notice that the story is full of phrasal verbs and expressions with look. Try to read the story a few times to understand how the various phrasal verbs with look are used. Following the story, you will also find all the phrasal verbs with look put into categories with definitions and example sentences taken from the story. Looking Up Peter in Seattle Last week I was in Seattle and I remembered that my friend Peter had recently moved there. I looked up his name in the telephone book, called, but got the answering machine. Luckily, I finally found him at work. He was looking at a picture on his desk, and I swear he looked like the famous actor Harrison Ford! I know Peter looked up to Harrison Ford, but I was a little surprised to see that he had become a look-alike! I said Look lively! and he raised his eyes and looked me up and down. Hello! if it isnt my old friend Ken!, Peter said. With that, he got up, looked me up and down and shook my hand. I must admit, Peter didnt look his age in the slightest. In fact, he looked as if he was ten years older! I looked him straight in the eye and said, Well, I was in town and thought Id look in on you to see how youre doing in Seattle. How have you been? Peter responded that he was fine, but that he was also on the look out for a new cat. Looking over at the picture, I noticed that it was of a cat. Yes, he sighed, I didnt really look after my first cat very well. It ran away. Im sorry to hear that, I said. We talked for a while and decided to go out for a coffee. We were at a Starbucks when a beautiful woman walked into the Cafe. Peter quickly looked the other way. Whos she?, I asked. Nobody, just someone who looks down their nose at me. Just then somebody shouted Look out! Peter jumped up and pushed the woman hard. At first, she looked daggers at him. Then, realizing what had happened, she noticed that because Peter had been looking lively, she hadnt slipped on a ice coffee drink that was all over the floor. Im glad I looked Peter up, it certainly was an interesting day... Phrasal Verbs with Look Finding Someone or Something Look up: look for information in a reference bookI looked up his name in the telephone book, called, but got the answering find someoneIm glad I looked Peter up, it certainly was an interesting day. Look in on someone: visit someone at their home or place of work, check up on someoneI was in town and thought Id look in on you to see how youre doing in Seattle. Be on the look out for: Trying to find something or someone, interested in purchasing something Look up to someone: respect or admire someoneI know Peter looked up to Harrison Ford. Look someone up and down: Examine someone carefully, look at someone very carefully, often with disdainWith that, he got up, looked me up and down and shook my hand. Look someone straight in the eye Look at someone with seriousnessI looked him straight in the eye... Expressions of Looking at People or Things Look over at: To look in the direction of somethingLooking over at the picture, I noticed that it was of a cat. Look the other way: Look away from something that you see, not notice something on purposePeter quickly looked the other way. Look down your nose on/at someone: Feel superior to someone...someone who looks down their nose at me. Look daggers at someone: Look with hatred or intense dislike at someoneAt first, she looked daggers at him. Look after: Take care of something or someoneI didnt really look after my first cat very well. It ran away. Appearances Look like: Be similar in physical appearance... he looked like the famous actor Harrison Ford! Look your age: Appear to be your actual age (someone can look older, or younger than their age)I must admit, Peter didnt look his age in the slightest. Warnings Look out!: Be carefulLook out! Look lively!: Pay attention...she noticed that because Peter had been looking lively, she hadnt slipped on a ice coffee drink...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Into the Wild and Walden Free Essays

After reading Walden, by Henry D. Thoreau and watching the movie titled, Into The Wild, written by Sean Penn, I realized how similar and different both main characters were. Christopher McCandless, the main actor in the movie and, Henry D. We will write a custom essay sample on Into the Wild and Walden or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thoreau, the author and main character in Walden, share many things in common however, their views on the world and motives for going on their journeys are very different from one another. These two men share complex views on life and how one should live that life. They differ in regards to how they deal with and go about living their lives. Thoreau and McCandles live their lives doing what they feel makes them happy. McCandless quotes Thoreau and says, â€Å"If you want something in life, reach out and grab it† (sc. 167). Both of their journeys were beneficial for them and taught them a lot about themselves. Both of these men went out on a quest to find themselves and give insight into how they define and live with technology, finding spiritual freedom, the necessities of life, and living life to its fullest, but it is these similarities shared between the two that they also contrast each other greatly. Both McCandless and Thoreau deal with the advancement of technology in their journeys. McCandless is the Henry D. Thoreau of the 1990s. What sets him apart from Thoreau is his view on technology. Thoreau states, â€Å"The nation itself, with all its so- called internal improvements, which, by the way, are all external and superficial†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (119). This statement is the opposite of McCandless‘ view. McCandless uses the advancements in technology to get to his final destination of Alaska. McCandless travels by train, which would have made Thoreau absolutely sick. Thoreau clearly expressed his iscussed for the railroads in Walden. McCandless also relies of cars and trucks as he hitch hikes across the country. Now in Thoreau’s time there were not these elaborate highways and cars but Thoreau would not have been happy about this. If Thoreau had a problem with the railroads in the 1800s then there is no doubt he would have not agreed with the way McCandless chose to get to Alaska. They both had technology that they relied on. They both love to read and write. Ink and books were both made from the advancements in technology over centuries. They also both had tools while out in the ilderness that they heavily relied on. They both had knives that they used all they time for cutting and cleaning food. Thoreau had a wheelbarrow and a spade, where as McCandless had a gun, and a handbook on, what was edible in nature. McCandless and Thoreau both went in search to find spiritual freedom and escape society. Thoreau recorded his two year experiment to express what he has learned about himself and society. McCandless also recorded his escape from society on his two year journey. They both were out in the wilderness alone for two years as they connected to the earth spiritually. Unlike McCandless, Thoreau never mentioned problems within his family in Walden. McCandless had another reason to escape society other than to find himself, he was escaping the violence and troubles presented in is everyday life at home. A voiceover of Carine, McCandless sister, comes on and says â€Å"Worse yet was that it was Marcia to whom he was still legally married at the time. And it was Chris and I who were the bastard children† (sc. 53). This shows how McCandless had so much more to leave behind than Thoreau did. This scene also give us insight into McCandless’s state of mind nd how much his life at home effected him. Thoreau states, â€Å" I left the woods for as good of a reason as I went there†¦I had several more lives to live, and could not spare any more time for that on† (426). Thoreau’s statement tells us how he just went for the purpose to get away from society and live in nature and solitude. McCandless had emotional problems brought on him by the instability of his family. Both Thoreau and McCandless lived with the necessities of shelter and durable clothing. They both had shelters that were made by man. McCandless lived in a bus out in he Alaskan wilderness, and Thoreau lived in a cabin at Walden pond. Thoreau and McCandless had to deal with the airiness of their homes. Thoreau says, â€Å"This was an airy and unflustered cabin, fit to entertain a traveling god†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (110). Thoreau however did have a functioning cabin where as, McCandess lived in a bus that was converted into a house. Thoreau had a more room to move around as well as better protection from the weather. McCandless lived in more open and colder environment than Thoreau had to. Both men also relied on their clothing to be durable and able to withstand the elements. The harshness of their living conditions required them to have warm and durable clothing. They did not have enough room in their bags to bring every item of clothing they owned. It had to be functional year round as well as strong enough to hold over a duration of two years of hunting and gathering. Thoreau had did not have as much variety of clothing to chose from as McCandless did. McCandless was born in a generation that made clothes in mass quantities and clothes were more accessible to everyone plus McCandless had his parents to buy him clothes over the years. Thoreau and McCandless were both college graduates that lived their lives to the fullest. Thoreau graduated from Harvard and McCandless graduated from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Both men were highly educated and were very knowledgeable in many aspects but prefer not to have a job. McCandless says to Mr. Franz , â€Å"I think careers are a twentieth century invention and I don’t want one. You don’t need to worry about me. I have a college education. I’m not destitute. I’m living like this by choice† (sc. 185). They both were philosophizers and knew about the uselessness of possessions. McCandless donated twenty-six thousand dollars to Oxfam, cut up his identification card, and credit cards. Thoreau however, did not give up his possessions, he just set them off to the side until his experiment was complete. McCandless lived the last two years of his life doing what he wanted and exploring nature. He died doing what he wanted to do, not what he had to do. Although Thoreau did not die during his experiment he lived his life the same way. Thoreau knew that for one to be happy, one must live their lives doing what they want. Both men lived their lives to the fullest and did what they wanted to do. McCandless and Thoreau have learned so much about themselves and about how the world works, whether its for the better or not, while out in the wild. As these two men have traveled and lived in their final destinations they have had to deal with technology, finding spiritual freedom, the necessities of life, and living life to its fullest, to make it there. Thoreau says, â€Å"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer† (430). Thoreau is saying that it does not matter how you match up to others or if you follow other people, only he or she can make their ife worth living and worth telling about. Both McCandless and Thoreau have similarities but because they are different people they also have many contrasts between them. They both benefited from their journeys and have taught us all something. The have both gained knowledge of the world and of themselves while out in the wild. They teach us that if one wants to be happy, do that which makes one happy. Their journeys are something we can all do for ourselves. And if we do go on a journey like this we wont always have the same answer for questions but will be faced with the same questions of life. How to cite Into the Wild and Walden, Essay examples

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Format of ankring free essay sample

In doing any inaugural address to a very respected and honorable guest, you always need to be sincere and polite. Have the listeners feel very comfortable. Don`t be too exaggerated and just do it simple like when you just inviting a friend to your home. Sort of that. -Begin by acknowledging the presence of everyone and thanking everybody for coming. -Welcome the special guest/guests. Acknowledge His presence in a brief and surprising manner. Be friendly, even cordial. -refer to the status of those being welcomed. Don`t forget these *tell who, and which person *tell his representation or organization standing *and tell what is their status is Don`t forget to say the person`s achievements or the group you pay attention to. Give credits to their success. Tease a little bit, by quoting one of the upcoming speakers. Thank those who have helped to organize and host this day. We will write a custom essay sample on Format of ankring or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Offer some kind of friendship by repeating your sweet and gentle words. -Thank them for participating. Here is an example of it. Honorable Chief Guest, duly respected President, our Guest of Honors, distinguished Invitees, my dear colleagues and to all the participants today, A very pleasant Day. We`re all excited to know that today`s function is organized to commemorate the International Leader`s Day. On this occasion, I am tasked by the Committee of today`s function to give a welcome address. First of all, I on behalf my organization, we humbly welcome our honorable Chief Guest, His Excellency, the President of ________________________. Pres.__________________________________I am specially thankful because when we approached him with an invitation and requested him to grace our function as Chief Guest, His Excellency did not turn down the organization. His Excellency instantly agreed upon looking our program. Once again, I representing the organization, welcome His Excellency, President of ________________________. Pres.__________________________________of _____________________________on today`s function. I also welcome all my colleagues for sparing a few hours of their valuable time to come here and participate in this function. I am really appreciate working with them. Because of their cooperation, today`s memorable event couldn`t have been so successful. I being member of the organization heartily welcome them. Last not but the least, I welcome all those who contribute to make today`s function a great success. I welcome most especially all of you who are present here. Thank you very much for gracing the occasion.